Monday, May 14, 2012

A Beginners Guide to Introspection

Any life coach worth their salt will tell you that introspection is one of the fundamentals of self-improvement.
 Why? Because self awareness gives you an idea of how people tick.
 Through introspection you can begin to change aspects of your behaviour that don't assist you in being a success, you can identify the specific things that make you happy.

Perhaps the most significant thing of all about introspection is that it encourages you to challenge existing beliefs and values that you may take for granted.

Introspection requires you to spend time thinking about the things that are going well in your life, as well as what is wrong.
 On a positive note you may discover extra things you enjoy and do well in.
 You encourage yourself to incorporate new behaviours and positive thinking, but you do not dwell on the past of previous failings.
 Limiting decision making is any decision that decides not to proceed with something on the basis of not feeling capable of doing it.
 The more limiting decisions you make in your day to day life increase the likelihood of this type of decision making becoming habit.
 There is little point in being a little bit honest or biased against your weaknesses.
 The best way to do this is by asking the right questions and answering them honestly.
 Truth, no matter how unsavoury, is the first place to start before finding solutions to your problems.
 In your case the relevant questions should include things that answer specific questions about yourself, such as 'What are my biggest strengths?' and ' What am I weak at?' Search for the most honest appraisal possible.

Introspection is a highly emotive process: You need to identify the dominant emotions of your character in order to understand who you are.
 The most important thing is to be able to analyse your thoughts and behaviours in a way that shows you where your attention is being focused on.
 Not only does this make it things simpler but it also allows you to react in controlled and typical way.
 For instance, think about the different ways that two separate people can describe the same thing.

I want to ask you something.

In life one of the biggest things to hold people back is, well, other people! It seems we all have this innate fear of making ourselves look silly in front of other people.

For example.
 That person could have been your soul mate, the person you were meant to be with, but you avoided approaching them for fear of what others might think.
 But you were so scared of failing in front of others that you never began.

The long and short of it is this.
 It is a fear that can be crippling and can stop you from being the authentic and real you.

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