Monday, May 14, 2012

Self-Trust - Overcoming Fear

 It's that simple.
 The greater your trust in your ability to manage what comes your way, the less fear you will experience.
 The result is that you don't have to control anything in your external world to overcome fear! Instead, look at where the lack of trust in yourself originates: the beliefs you have adopted from others in your life, and from your own past experiences.
 However, what's more important than knowing where your lack of trust came from is knowing how to develop more confidence in handling anything that comes your way.

When there is fear keeping you from making changes in your life, your body will have the feeling of being closed because you are listening to the parasitic mind and its story, instead of trusting and staying open to the possibilities.
 If there's struggle, there's fear at some level.
 The struggle comes when you are not truly living in the moment, when you are caught up in the past or the future.
 Either way you are not present.
 This keeps you out of the flow of life, resulting in struggle and lack, and oftentimes paralysis.
 First you have an idea, then you create a plan of action, then you take the first step.
 When something works, take another step.
 Every time you give up, you lose more of your self-trust.

Even if you can't remember a recent time of facing your fears, you have a lot of experience in this area.
 Have you ever observed a child learning to walk? They fall frequently.
 Then you can't slow them down.
 This is how each one of us learned to walk, then to run.
 Win or lose, taking action is a success.
 There will be times when what you have to do will be extremely uncomfortable.
 When that happens, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again, just like when you were a child.
 In early human development it was necessary to keep from being swallowed by saber-tooth tigers and other dangers.
 That's a good thing.
 If you pay attention, you can feel its relentless grip on your body, tensing your muscles if the fear is slight, or causing illness and distress when it is more chronic or more pronounced.
 Pay attention to its messages and you will begin to see how much fear you are carrying.
 As long as you continue to grow, you will continue to feel fear.
 You know what it feels like, you accept that the fear exists, and you know you can move through it.

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