Monday, May 14, 2012

Self-Trust - Overcoming Fear

 It's that simple.
 The greater your trust in your ability to manage what comes your way, the less fear you will experience.
 The result is that you don't have to control anything in your external world to overcome fear! Instead, look at where the lack of trust in yourself originates: the beliefs you have adopted from others in your life, and from your own past experiences.
 However, what's more important than knowing where your lack of trust came from is knowing how to develop more confidence in handling anything that comes your way.

When there is fear keeping you from making changes in your life, your body will have the feeling of being closed because you are listening to the parasitic mind and its story, instead of trusting and staying open to the possibilities.
 If there's struggle, there's fear at some level.
 The struggle comes when you are not truly living in the moment, when you are caught up in the past or the future.
 Either way you are not present.
 This keeps you out of the flow of life, resulting in struggle and lack, and oftentimes paralysis.
 First you have an idea, then you create a plan of action, then you take the first step.
 When something works, take another step.
 Every time you give up, you lose more of your self-trust.

Even if you can't remember a recent time of facing your fears, you have a lot of experience in this area.
 Have you ever observed a child learning to walk? They fall frequently.
 Then you can't slow them down.
 This is how each one of us learned to walk, then to run.
 Win or lose, taking action is a success.
 There will be times when what you have to do will be extremely uncomfortable.
 When that happens, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again, just like when you were a child.
 In early human development it was necessary to keep from being swallowed by saber-tooth tigers and other dangers.
 That's a good thing.
 If you pay attention, you can feel its relentless grip on your body, tensing your muscles if the fear is slight, or causing illness and distress when it is more chronic or more pronounced.
 Pay attention to its messages and you will begin to see how much fear you are carrying.
 As long as you continue to grow, you will continue to feel fear.
 You know what it feels like, you accept that the fear exists, and you know you can move through it.

Personal Confidence Projects Success

 What you project to your clients, colleagues, and other business contacts can have a huge impact on how you're received and how you fare in the business world.
 And while it's essential, many people don't know how to project self-confidence in a professional situation.

What is Self-Confidence?

Many people are confused about what it really means to be self-confident.
 Your self-esteem is the way that you feel about yourself.
 You can have high self-confidence levels in some areas and low self-confidence in others.

It's critical that you have a lot of confidence in your ability to work in your chosen field.

Projecting Poise

It's important to take a look at how confidence can affect your job performance and impact your professional life.
 Here is a sampling of how you can make sure your professional contacts know you´re right for the job; or trust that they have made a wise decision turning to you for any type of help.
 Be clear, concise, and certain.
 Don´t give a lot of excuses or elaborate too much.

In a world where so much is done through electronic mail, make sure that every email you write comes across as confident and complete.
 Good written communication is essential to success whether it´s with your customers or your partners or colleagues in business.
 When you can show that you have a proven track record, you´ll be able to wow them with your expertise.
 In that situation, it´s even more critical that you radiate strength and determination.
 This will allow you to have examples for future clients along with a good reference.
 Speak clearly, directly, and be loud enough that you can be understood easily.
Be clear about your limits and your expectations.

Stand Firm

Confidence allows you to stand up for yourself when someone tries to take advantage of you.
 However, there are plenty of people in the real world who don´t operate that way.
 Don´t allow yourself to be put in a situation where you feel awkward or uncomfortable.

Faking It

What if you don´t really have self confidence yet? In that case, you need to fake it until it´s real.
 It´s even easier to do it in writing.

Once you have mastered these steps, your self-confidence will shine through in everything you do.


Sacrifice, the Word That Stifles Change

 No scratch that, I am an obsessive reader! If there are words printed I have to read them.
 I just got tired of reading the same box every day.

There is a word I often see used in these "change your life" books.
 I cringe when I see it used in a specific context.
 They say you will have to make sacrifices in your life to get the things you want.
 How many times have you see in movies where one of the characters 'sacrifices' his life for the others.
" Or what about the stories of primitive cultures sacrificing young maidens to appease the gods?

Yes I know I am taking it to extremes.
 There are not many positive associations for the word 'sacrifice' that does not make people think they are going to lose out or lose big time.
 They are not sacrificing their leisure time they are trading an hour of television time for a constructive activity that takes them closer to their desired goal.

When we go to the movies we do not think that we are sacrificing our money we think that we are trading it for something of equal or greater value.
 You will accomplish more and so will those you coach or encourage.

A Beginners Guide to Introspection

Any life coach worth their salt will tell you that introspection is one of the fundamentals of self-improvement.
 Why? Because self awareness gives you an idea of how people tick.
 Through introspection you can begin to change aspects of your behaviour that don't assist you in being a success, you can identify the specific things that make you happy.

Perhaps the most significant thing of all about introspection is that it encourages you to challenge existing beliefs and values that you may take for granted.

Introspection requires you to spend time thinking about the things that are going well in your life, as well as what is wrong.
 On a positive note you may discover extra things you enjoy and do well in.
 You encourage yourself to incorporate new behaviours and positive thinking, but you do not dwell on the past of previous failings.
 Limiting decision making is any decision that decides not to proceed with something on the basis of not feeling capable of doing it.
 The more limiting decisions you make in your day to day life increase the likelihood of this type of decision making becoming habit.
 There is little point in being a little bit honest or biased against your weaknesses.
 The best way to do this is by asking the right questions and answering them honestly.
 Truth, no matter how unsavoury, is the first place to start before finding solutions to your problems.
 In your case the relevant questions should include things that answer specific questions about yourself, such as 'What are my biggest strengths?' and ' What am I weak at?' Search for the most honest appraisal possible.

Introspection is a highly emotive process: You need to identify the dominant emotions of your character in order to understand who you are.
 The most important thing is to be able to analyse your thoughts and behaviours in a way that shows you where your attention is being focused on.
 Not only does this make it things simpler but it also allows you to react in controlled and typical way.
 For instance, think about the different ways that two separate people can describe the same thing.

I want to ask you something.

In life one of the biggest things to hold people back is, well, other people! It seems we all have this innate fear of making ourselves look silly in front of other people.

For example.
 That person could have been your soul mate, the person you were meant to be with, but you avoided approaching them for fear of what others might think.
 But you were so scared of failing in front of others that you never began.

The long and short of it is this.
 It is a fear that can be crippling and can stop you from being the authentic and real you.